2017 theme: GAME
Game on. Chess, checkers, cards, poker, gambling—or a rival, perhaps? How about a mind game? Rainy pastimes, brain teasers, fierce competition, or a friendly bet. It’s just a game, right? To be willing, to be spirited, to be game. The hunt is on, and we want to know…ARE YOU GAME?
Read Writers in the Attic: Game
Congratulations to our 2017 “Game” authors (in order of anthology appearance):
James Armstrong
Cheryl Clark Lawson
Mark D McAllister
Heather Hamilton-Post
Eric E Wallace
Kim Monnier
Lukas W Robertson
Maggie Koger
Sheila D C Robertson
M R Smith
Rachel Anne Murphy
Matthew James Babcock
Chris DeVore
Barney Warren
James McColly
Allison King
Jim Bradbury
Julie M Fogerson
Julie Hutchcroft
Greg Heinzman
Bob Bushnell
Jack Puckett
Ani Keaten
Katy Beedle Rice
Mary Saras
Bradley Ortman
Anita Tanner
McCale Ashenbrener
Nadine York
Carole Clark
Molly Reed
Kimberley Steinberg