2017 theme: GAME

2017 - GAME cover.jpg

Game on. Chess, checkers, cards, poker, gambling—or a rival, perhaps? How about a mind game? Rainy pastimes, brain teasers, fierce competition, or a friendly bet. It’s just a game, right? To be willing, to be spirited, to be game. The hunt is on, and we want to know…ARE YOU GAME?

Read Writers in the Attic: Game

Congratulations to our 2017 “Game” authors (in order of anthology appearance):

James Armstrong

Cheryl Clark Lawson

Mark D McAllister

Heather Hamilton-Post

Eric E Wallace

Kim Monnier

Lukas W Robertson

Maggie Koger

Sheila D C Robertson

M R Smith

Rachel Anne Murphy

Matthew James Babcock

Chris DeVore

Barney Warren

James McColly

Allison King

Jim Bradbury

Julie M Fogerson

Julie Hutchcroft

Greg Heinzman

Bob Bushnell

Jack Puckett

Ani Keaten

Katy Beedle Rice

Mary Saras

Bradley Ortman

Anita Tanner

McCale Ashenbrener

Nadine York

Carole Clark

Molly Reed

Kimberley Steinberg


Cambia: A Student Anthology - 2017


2016 theme: WATER