2015 theme: ANIMAL
An animal — a mammal – a sentient creature distinct from a mineral or a plant. An animal – any such living thing other than a human being. But, wait, there is an animal in every human being –it’s the carnal, physical or sensual part of the self. A tiger – a wild, untamed beast; A Guinea pig – a harmless, squeaky, stinky pet; Your former neighbor — a womanizer, a squirrel poacher, a brutish backyard grill master; all animals. Four-footed, two-footed, a flock, a herd…or a lone wolf – tell us about an animal.
Read Writers in the Attic: Animal
2015 winners:
Alexandra Ellen Appel
Matthew James Babcock
Bill Cope
Nicolas Darlinton
T. O. Davis
Chris DeVore
Katherine Duggan
Claire Fenton
Ann Finley
Charles (Chas) Frode
Alice L. Gerfen
Laura M. Gibson
Ross Hargreaves
Greg Heinzman
Tiffany Hitesman
Rick Hunt
Heidi Kraay
Maggie Koger
Catherine Kyle
Amy Larson
Marguerite Lawrence
Steve Liebenthal
Carol MacGregor
Allison Maier
Anthony McArthur
Devra McComish-Mary
Mary Ellen McMurtrie
Alan Minskoff
Michael Philley
Sharla Robinson Ng
Cheryl Richardson
Mike Ritthaler
Anne L. Robertson
Sheila D.C. Robertson
Janet Schlicht
M.R. Smith
Anita Tanner
Jennifer Trople
Eric E. Wallace