Writers in the Schools


We believe better writers make better students. Our Writers in the Schools (WITS) program is designed to foster creativity, communication, and self-discovery. Working in 3rd–12th grade classrooms and juvenile detention centers throughout the Treasure Valley, The Cabin’s professional teaching-writers—poets, novelists, playwrights, and journalists—lead creative writing, reading, and discussion projects.

The result? Schools that have participated in our WITS program report measurable improvements in student reading and writing skills, as well as positive experiences that encourage creative thought and expression.

“We love Miss Hannah! The kids are so excited for her lessons that they applaud when she arrives.”

–Lauren, Classroom Teacher at Valley View Elementary

What’s included in a WITS classroom residency?

  • An in-depth creative writing residency with a professional writer

  • Customized support for your residency goals

  • Unique curricular materials and hands-on writing lessons for further classroom use

  • Detailed responses to student writing

  • A printed collection of student work and the opportunity to appear in CAMBIA, a professionally published anthology of the best student writing from the WITS program

  • An end-of-residency student reading and celebration

Your Cabin teaching-writer will work in your classroom for one hour each week for the duration of the residency.

Learn more

Are you a teacher or administrator interested in learning more about hosting a WITS residency in your school? Or are you a parent or community member wondering how you can expand WITS to your child’s school or other area schools?

Email Education Programs Manager Hillary Colton at hillaryc@thecabinidaho.org to schedule a call.

WITS Pricing for the 2024-25 School Year

24-week residency: $1,200 per classroom

12-week residency: $600 per classroom

10-week residency: $500 per classroom

8-week residency: $400 per classroom

With the support of our grantors and donors, The Cabin provides a reduced pricing structure so all students can have access to quality arts programs.

If WITS is still not within your reach, please contact us — we are happy to work with your school!

Thank you to our supporters!

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