Relief Grants for Idaho Writers

For many writers in our community, the last few weeks have been difficult. Literary artists are often self-employed or work part time and gig jobs to get by. As those opportunities are put on hold, some local writers are facing a devastating loss of income and uncertain financial future.The Cabin’s staff and board believe that we all benefit from a strong artistic community. Thanks to a few generous donations from longtime Cabin friends and members, we have the opportunity to help some of those in need. In the next month, The Cabin will provide 15 $800 grants to working writers in need throughout Idaho. Application will be due May 1st and will be judged both on the writer’s financial need and how they are engaged and employed within the writing community. Grant money can be used for any expenses a writer needs to make it through this tough time. No follow-up report or budget will be required.Eligibility

  • Current Idaho resident over the age of 18.
  • Applicant must either receive income as a writer or self-identify as a writer and derive some income from a support activity that requires knowledge of writing (editing, teaching writing, publishing, arts administration, etc.)
  • Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, journalism, playwriting, screenwriting, graphic art narrative, and translation are all eligible.
  • Applicants are still eligible for grants if they have recently or currently work at The Cabin as part-time teaching-writers. Cabin administrative staff and board and their immediate families are not eligible.

Application Requirements

  • A short statement (no longer than a page) describing financial need and how your work as a writer has been impacted by the current crisis.
  • A Curriculum Vitae (include work history, publication dates, participation in public readings, experience teaching or tutoring writing students/time spent creating, supporting, or administering public literary arts programs or publications.)
  • A writing sample of work you created within the last two years (up to 10 pages, can be an excerpt from a longer work, may submit multiple pieces as long as total page count is still 10 or less.)
  • Applicants must have all material entered to Submittable by May 1st. No paper applications accepted. Applicants will be contacted by mid-May and grant checks will quickly follow.