The Goose Problem

Solomea, Grade 5,  Seven Oaks Elementary

In the forest, you might think all is well, but really, recently, we’ve had a HUGE problem. A goose who had come from the lake part of the forest had been stealing all of our goods and stashing them in…who knows where! He had been stealing from squirrels, rats, bears, pigeons, you name it! The problem had gone on for too long.

In a little coop, there a chick stayed, thinking away. “How can I get rid of that goose?” Chick said, very frustrated.

His brother had overheard him, “Do you really think you can get rid of that goose?” He laughed, “We might as well move, not even a bear can get rid of him.”

Chick’s face turned red, “Just because I’m little doesn’t mean I can’t do anything.”

Chick worked and worked, day after day, making his perfect speech. Since he was small, he couldn’t do anything physically. This was surely his only way. If it didn’t work, he would have to leave his friends and the beautiful forest. Chick was determined.

A week later, he had finished and memorized, and reports of stealing had still gone on. He looked for the goose everywhere he went, under logs, behind trees, until he found him terrorizing a small squirrel. Chick ran over from the delight of finding him.

“Another little one?” Goose looked over and laughed.

“Goose, why are you doing this?”

“What? Because it’s fun, of course.”

“But don’t you see, it’s making everybody leave this forest. Soon it will be empty, and they’ll have nothing left. Everybody is being forced to leave because of you.”

With not even half of Chick’s speech done, Goose looked over to the side with shame. “Ok, maybe it’s not that fun.”

Goose had led all the animals to a small path, barely visible. There he had uncovered a well-hidden tree trunk that had been previously covered with leaves. The tree trunk was big, with a little door leading in. Goose opened the small door and said, “All this for you. I’m sorry about how I acted. Things are not fun unless both parties find it fun.”

The animals reclaimed their belongings and praised him with Chick.

“Thank you!” said all of the animals.


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