Meet the Intern - Fall Edition!
Hi everyone! My name is Lianne and I’ll be joining The Cabin this fall semester as one of the interns. I’m so excited to be working with such a great organization who loves to read and write as much as I do. I was first introduced to The Cabin from an email looking for teaching assistants to volunteer at The Cabin’s Summer Youth Writing Camps. I was really sad after TA-ing my last writing camp group and wanted to do more.So now I’m here and am very excited to be working with The Cabin again. The first Cabin event I ever went to was when George Saunders lectured at The Egyptian theatre and I absolutely loved it! I thought it was amazing for an organization to spread their love of writing and reading to the public and encourage them to unleash their creativity. This fall, I am looking forward to getting to know The Cabin community more and gain a better insight on how a non-profit works. So far, there is way more to a business than I thought and how much time it takes to organize/stay on top of things.Outside of The Cabin, I am a full-time student athlete at Boise State University- majoring in English with Teaching Emphasis. I also am a gymnast on the Boise State Gymnastics team where I will be going into my third year. Ultimately, I want to become an Elementary School Teacher. I am from a small town called Shrewsbury in Massachusetts. Most importantly, I hope to gain business skills, experience, and connections after my internship. Hope to see you stop by at the front desk!