
Micah, Ada County Juvenile Detention Center

I am in darkness
if that is what you call it

in waves of sorrow and regret,
blinding me, deafening me,

bringing things to view
I’d rather not see.

We treat the dark with so much malice,
we forget the wickedness of the light,

its abundance of self-righteousness,
its headachy fluorescence.

“You can see in the light” folks always say,
“All the evil the dark conceals.”

“Ignorance is bliss,” they say,
though it’s considered trashy to be blissful.

The light is the simple presence of the sun,
the darkness merely absence of.

What occupies the space
of either one’s existence

does not change regardless
of which atmosphere it occupies.

“I once knew darkness,” I tell people,
“it consumed my every vision.”


Desperate Measures


2 poems & process: